The visual tour shows the present condition of the building and fixtures. This provides big help for interior designers and real estate agents.
Laser scanning
The laser scanning of the building offers the possibilitly to view the generated point cloud with a free viewer program provided by us to all our customers.
BIM modelling
During the software processing of the point cloud a high precision design plan is prepared, available for the architects. The 3D BIM Model is part of the design package.
Quality Control
The technology is suitable also during the construction period. Following a survey, the quality and accuracy of the works completed can be checked and verified.
Survey of mechanical engineering systems (HVAC)
During the survey we define the corner points of the buildings and the characteristic points of the land and we provide exact coordinates of the buildings located on the land.
Geodetic survey
During the survey we define the corner points of the buildings and the characteristic points of the land and we provide exact coordinates of the buildings located on the land.